Monday, July 8, 2013

Stop Stoning of Women Global Campaign

In line with the newly adopted UN Security Council resolution 2106 (2013); States bear the primary responsibility to respect  and ensure the human rights of all persons within their territory, as provided by  international law.  This embraces women’s political, social and economic empowerment as well as gender equality; it emphasizes that parties to armed conflict bear the primary responsibility to ensure the protection of civilians; including national ownership and responsibility to address the root causes of sexual violence in armed conflict.
BAOBAB for Women Human Rights, commend the effort of the UN in adopting the Security Council resolution 2106 (2013). We earnestly hope that States would embrace and put in law this resolution to provide great support for victims of torture. In this vein, we enjoin you to take part in the Stop Stoning campaign to end laws that promotes Violent Punishments and Torture Against Women such as stoning, by signing on to the petition ( and circulating the information amongst your networks. Thank you

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