Monday, March 28, 2011

Women as Participants in both Leadership and Politics. - BAOBAB's 2011 Calendar (Advocacy tool)

The Convention on the Political Rights of Women, 193 U.N.T.S. 135 which entered into force on July 7th, 1954 recognizes that everyone has the rights to take part in the government of her/his country directly or indirectly. The eleven articles of the convention desire to equalize the status of women and men in the enjoyment and exercise of their political rights.

In Nigeria and in most countries of the world, there are few women in positions of responsibility and decision making. Often they are discriminated against in political and public life at all levels of decision making as evidenced by the unequal number of women in the corridors of power. Women’s ideas are often left unspoken or unheard even when they are present during discussions and decision making assemblies.

This year, Nigeria will hold general elections and BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights, in her effort to uphold the principle of equality and equity, continues a series of leadership and political training for women and girls to raise awareness of their political rights and responsibilities as citizens. We aim to increase women's political participation and leadership at all levels of social interaction and decision making regardless of ethnicity, religion or political inclination.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Violence Against Women Without a Male Child by Ijeoma Chinakwe (an Intern with BAOBAB)

Up to date in the  eastern part of Nigeria, a  woman without a male child has no say in her husband's family, when her husband is no more she will be left with nothing. Empowering such woman and letting her know her fundamental human rights will give her much security and sense of belonging in the society.
Last year December, an organization (The Prudent Women Foundation) held a workshop in Imo state Nigeria, a case was reported of a woman with three girls without any male child. The woman was  forcefully pushed out of her matrimonial home by her husband’s relatives. This is because she had no male child for their brother for the years they lived together as a couple.  As a result of these, she  was sent out with her three female children with nothing to fall back to. 

The international women’s day observed every 8th of March, addresses such violence but it is a pity that many women are still not aware of this occasion that is solely for the benefit of all women. I feel sustainable empowerment  for women in general,  will reduce or totally eliminate such violence in our immediate and large society.

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